DMTN-098: Metrics Measurement Framework Design

  • Krzysztof Findeisen

Latest Revision: 2018-12-06

1   Overview

The lsst.verify package provides a framework for characterizing the LSST Science Pipelines through specific metrics, which are configured by the verify_metrics package. However, lsst.verify does not yet specify how to organize the code that measures and stores the metrics. This document proposes an extension of lsst.verify that interacts with the Task framework to make it easy to write new metrics and apply them to the Science Pipelines.

The proposed design, shown below, is similar to the make measurements from output datasets option proposed in DMTN-057. Each metric will have an associated lsst.pipe.base.Task class that is responsible for measuring it based on data previously written to a Butler repository. These tasks will be grouped together for execution, first as plugins to a central metrics-managing task, and later as components of a lsst.pipe.base.Pipeline. The central task or pipeline will handle the details of directing the potentially large number of input datasets to the measurement tasks that analyze them.

This design proposal strives to be consistent with the recommendations on metrics generation and usage provided by DMTN-085, without assuming them more than necessary. However, the design does require that QAWG-REC-34 (“Metric values should have Butler dataIds”) be adopted; otherwise, the output dataset type of the proposed measurement task would be ill-defined.


Figure 1 Classes introduced in this design (blue), including a compatibility module for adapting the framework to a non-PipelineTask system. For simplicity, Task config classes are treated as part of the corresponding Task.

2   Design Goals

The goals of this design are based on those presented in DMTN-057. In particular, the system must be easy to extend, must support a variety of metrics, and must be agnostic to how data processing is divided among task instances. It must not add extra configuration requirements to task users who are not interested in metrics, and it must be possible to disable metrics selectively during commissioning and operations.

DMTN-085 makes several recommendations that, if adopted, would impose additional requirements on a measurement creation framework. Specifically:

  • QAWG-REC-31 recommends that the computation and aggregation of measurements be separated.
  • QAWG-REC-32 recommends that measurements be stored at the finest granularity at which they can be reasonably defined.
  • QAWG-REC-34 and QAWG-REC-35 recommend that measurements be Butler datasets with data IDs.
  • QAWG-REC-41 recommends that metrics can be submitted to SQuaSH (and, presumably, measured first) from arbitrary execution environments

DMTN-085 Section 4.11.1 also informally proposes that the granularity of a metric be part of its definition, and notes that some metrics may need to be measured during data processing pipeline execution, rather than as a separate step. I note in the appropriate sections how these capabilities can be accommodated.

The capabilities and requirements of PipelineTask are much clearer now than they were when DMTN-057 was written (note: it refers to PipelineTask by its previous name, SuperTask). Since reusability outside the Tasks framework is not a concern, the design proposed here can be tightly coupled to the existing lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask API.

3   Primary Components

The framework creates lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask subclasses responsible for measuring metrics and constructing lsst.verify.Measurement objects. Metrics-measuring tasks (hereafter MetricTasks) will be added to data processing pipelines, and the PipelineTask framework will be responsible for scheduling metrics computation and collecting the results. It is expected that PipelineTask will provide some mechanism for grouping tasks together (e.g., sub-pipelines), which will make it easier to enable and configure large groups of metrics. PipelineTask is not available for general use at the time of writing, so initial implementations may need to avoid referring to its API directly (see the Butler Gen 2 MetricTask).

Because MetricTasks are handled separately from data processing tasks, the latter can be run without needing to know about or configure metrics. Metrics that must be calculated while the pipeline is running may be integrated into pipeline tasks as subtasks, with the measurement(s) being added to the list of pipeline task outputs, but doing so greatly reduces the flexibility of the framework and is not recommended.

While this proposal places MetricTask and its supporting classes in lsst.verify (see Figure 1), its subclasses can go in any package that can depend on both lsst.verify and lsst.pipe.base. For example, subclasses of MetricTask may be defined in the packages of the task they instrument, in plugin packages similar to meas_extensions_*, or in a dedicated pipeline verification package. The framework is therefore compatible with any future policy decisions concerning metric implementations.

3.1   MetricTask

The code to compute any metric shall be a subclass of MetricTask, a PipelineTask specialized for metrics. Each MetricTask shall read the necessary data from a repository, and produce a lsst.verify.Measurement of the corresponding metric. Measurements may be associated with particular quanta or data IDs, or they may be repository-wide.

Because metric measurers may read a variety of datasets, PipelineTask’s ability to automatically manage dataset types is essential to keeping the framework easy to extend.

3.1.1   Abstract Members

run(undefined) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct

Subclasses may provide a run method, which should take multiple datasets of a given type. Its return value must contain a field, measurement, mapping to the resulting lsst.verify.Measurement.

MetricTask shall do nothing (returning None in place of a Measurement) if the data it needs are not available. Behavior when the data are available for some quanta but not others is TBD.

Supporting processing of multiple datasets together lets metrics be defined with a different granularity from the Science Pipelines processing, and allows for the aggregation (or lack thereof) of the metric to be controlled by the task configuration with no code changes. Note that if QAWG-REC-32 is implemented, then the input data will typically be a list of one item.

getInputDatasetTypes(config: cls.ConfigClass) : dict from str to DatasetTypeDescriptor [initially str to str]
While required by the PipelineTask API, this method will also be used by pre-PipelineTask code to identify the (Butler Gen 2) inputs to the MetricTask.
getOutputMetric(config: cls.ConfigClass) : lsst.verify.Name
A class method returning the metric calculated by this object. May be configurable to allow one implementation class to calculate families of related metrics.

3.1.2   Concrete Members

getOutputDatasetTypes(config: cls.ConfigClass) : dict from str to DatasetTypeDescriptor
This method may need to be overridden to reflect Butler persistence of lsst.verify.Measurement objects, if individual objects are not supported as a persistable dataset.
saveStruct(lsst.pipe.base.Struct, outputDataRefs: dict, butler: lsst.daf.butler.Butler)
This method may need to be overridden to support Butler persistence of lsst.verify.Measurement objects, if individual objects are not supported as a persistable dataset

3.2   SingleMetadataMetricTask

This class shall simplify implementations of metrics that are calculated from a single key in the pipeline’s output metadata. The class shall provide the code needed to map a metadata key (possibly across multiple quanta) to a single metric.

Based on the examples implemented in lsst.ap.verify.measurements, the process of calculating a metric from multiple metadata keys is considerably more complex. It is better that such metrics inherit from MetricTask directly than to try to provide generic support through a single class.

3.2.1   Abstract Members

getInputMetadataKey(config: cls.ConfigClass) : str
Shall name the key containing the metric information, with optional task prefixes following the conventions of lsst.pipe.base.Task.getFullMetadata(). The name may be an incomplete key in order to match an arbitrary top-level task or an unnecessarily detailed key name. May be configurable to allow one implementation class to calculate families of related metrics.
makeMeasurement(values: iterable of any) : lsst.verify.Measurement
A workhorse method that accepts the metadata values extracted from the metadata passed to run.

3.2.2   Concrete Members

run(metadata: iterable of lsst.daf.base.PropertySet) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct
This method shall take multiple metadata objects (possibly all of them, depending on the granularity of the metric). It shall look up keys partially matching getInputMetadataKey and make a single call to makeMeasurement with the values of the keys. Behavior when keys are present in some metadata objects but not others is TBD.
getInputDatasetTypes(config: cls.ConfigClass) : dict from str to DatasetTypeDescriptor
This method shall return a single mapping from "metadata" to the dataset type of the top-level data processing task’s metadata. The identity of the top-level task shall be extracted from the MetricTask’s config.

3.3   PpdbMetricTask

This class shall simplify implementations of metrics that are calculated from a prompt products database.

PpdbMetricTask has a potential forward-compatibility problem: at present, the most expedient way to get a Ppdb that points to the correct database is by loading it from the data processing pipeline’s config. However, the Butler is later expected to support database access directly, and we should adopt the new system when it is ready.

The problem can be solved by making use of the PipelineTask framework’s existing support for configurable input dataset types, and by delegating the process of constructing a Ppdb object to a replaceable subtask. The cost of this solution is an extra configuration line for every instance of PpdbMetricTask included in a metrics calculation, at least until we can adopt the new system as a default.

3.3.1   Abstract Members

makeMeasurement(handle: lsst.dax.ppdb.Ppdb, outputDataId: DataId) : lsst.verify.Measurement
A workhorse method that takes a database handle and computes a metric using the Ppdb API. outputDataId is used to identify a specific metric for subclasses that support fine-grained metrics (see discussion of adaptArgsAndRun, below).
dbLoader : lsst.pipe.base.Task

A subtask responsible for creating a Ppdb object from the dataset type. Its run method must accept a dataset of the same type as indicated by PpdbMetricTask.getInputDatasetTypes.

Until plans for Butler database support are finalized, config writers should explicitly retarget this task instead of assuming a default. It may be possible to enforce this practice by not providing a default implementation and clearly documenting the supported option(s).

3.3.2   Concrete Members

adaptArgsAndRun(dbInfo: dict from str to any, inputDataIds: unused, outputDataId: dict from str to DataId) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct

This method shall load the database using dbLoader before calling makeMeasurement. PpdbMetricTask overrides adaptArgsAndRun in order to support fine-grained metrics: while a repository should have only one prompt products database, metrics may wish to examine subsets grouped by visit, CCD, etc., and if so these details must be passed to makeMeasurement.

This method is not necessary in the initial implementation, which will not support fine-grained metrics.

run(dbInfo: any) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct
This method shall be a simplified version of adaptArgsAndRun for use before PipelineTask is ready. Its behavior shall be equivalent to adaptArgsAndRun called with empty data IDs.
getInputDatasetTypes(config: cls.ConfigClass) : dict from str to DatasetTypeDescriptor
This method shall return a single mapping from "dbInfo" to a suitable dataset type: either the type of the top-level data processing task’s config, or some future type specifically designed for database support.

3.4   MetricComputationError

This subclass of RuntimeError may be raised by MetricTask to indicate that a metric could not be computed due to algorithmic or system issues. It is provided to let higher-level code distinguish failures in the metrics framework from failures in the pipeline code.

Note that being unable to compute a metric due to insufficient input data is not considered a failure, and in such a case MetricTask should return None instead of raising an exception.

4   Compatibility Components

We expect to deploy new metrics before PipelineTask is ready for general use. Therefore, the initial framework will include extra classes that allow MetricTask to function without PipelineTask features.

By far the best way to simultaneously deal with the incompatible Butler 2 and Butler 3 APIs would be an adapter class that allows MetricTask classes initially written without PipelineTask support to serve as lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask. Unfortunately, the design of such an adapter is complicated by the strict requirements on PipelineTask constructor signatures and the use of configs as a Task’s primary API.

I suspect that both problems may be solved by applying a decorator to the appropriate type objects rather than using a conventional class or object adapter[1] for Task or Config objects, but the design of such an decorator is best addressed separately.

4.1   MetricTask

This MetricTask shall be a subclass of Task that has a PipelineTask-like interface but does not depend on any Butler Gen 3 components. Concrete MetricTasks will implement this interface before PipelineTask is available, and can be migrated individually afterward (possibly through a formal deprecation procedure, if MetricTask is used widely enough to make it necessary).

4.1.1   Abstract Members

run(undefined) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct

Subclasses may provide a run method, which should take multiple datasets of a given type. Its return value must contain a field, measurement, mapping to the resulting lsst.verify.Measurement.

MetricTask shall do nothing (returning None in place of a Measurement) if the data it needs are not available. Behavior when the data are available for some quanta but not others is TBD.

Supporting processing of multiple datasets together lets metrics be defined with a different granularity from the Science Pipelines processing, and allows for the aggregation (or lack thereof) of the metric to be controlled by the task configuration with no code changes. Note that if QAWG-REC-32 is implemented, then the input data will typically be a list of one item.

adaptArgsAndRun(inputData: dict, inputDataIds: dict, outputDataId: dict) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct

The default implementation of this method shall be equivalent to calling PipelineTask.adaptArgsAndRun, followed by calling addStandardMetadata on the result. Subclasses may override adaptArgsAndRun, but are then responsible for calling addStandardMetadata themselves.

outputDataId shall contain a single mapping from "measurement" to exactly one data ID. The method’s return value must contain a field, measurement, mapping to the resulting lsst.verify.Measurement.

Behavior requirements as for run.

getInputDatasetTypes(config: cls.ConfigClass) : dict from str to str
This method shall identify the Butler Gen 2 inputs to the MetricTask.
getOutputMetric(config: cls.ConfigClass) : lsst.verify.Name
A class method returning the metric calculated by this object. May be configurable to allow one implementation class to calculate families of related metrics.

4.1.2   Concrete Members

addStandardMetadata(measurement: lsst.verify.Measurement, outputDataId: dict)

This method may add measurement-specific metadata agreed to be of universal use (both across metrics and across clients, including but not limited to SQuaSH), breaking the method API if necessary. This method shall not add common information such as the execution environment (which is the responsibility of the MetricTask’s caller) or information specific to a particular metric (which is the responsibility of the corresponding class).

This is an unfortunately inflexible solution to the problem of adding client-mandated metadata keys. However, it is not clear whether any such keys will still be needed after the transition to Butler Gen 3 (see SQR-019 and DMTN-085), and any solution that controls the metadata using the task configuration would require independently configuring every single MetricTask.

4.2   MetricsControllerTask

This class shall execute a configurable set of metrics, handling Butler I/O and Measurement output internally in a manner similar to JointcalTask. The MetricTask instances to be executed shall not be treated as subtasks, instead being managed using a multi-valued lsst.pex.config.RegistryField much like meas_base plugins.

MetricsControllerTask shall ignore any configuration in a MetricTask giving its metric a specific level of granularity; the granularity shall instead be inferred from MetricsControllerTask inputs. In addition, MetricsControllerTask will not support metrics that depend on other metrics.

Some existing frameworks (i.e., lsst.ap.verify and lsst.jointcal) store metrics computed by a task as part of one or more lsst.verify.Job objects. MetricsControllerTask will not be able to work with such jobs, but will not preempt them, either – they can continue to record metrics that are not managed by MetricsControllerTask.

4.2.1   Concrete Members

runDataRefs(datarefs: list of lsst.daf.persistence.ButlerDataRef) : lsst.pipe.base.Struct

This method shall, for each configured MetricTask and each dataref, load the metric’s input dataset(s) and pass them to the task (via adaptArgsAndRun), collecting the resulting Measurement objects and persisting them to configuration-specified files. The return value shall contain a field, jobs, mapping to a list of lsst.verify.Job, one for each dataref, containing the measurements.

The granularity of each dataref shall define the granularity of the corresponding measurement, and must be the same as or coarser than the granularity of each MetricTask's input data. The safest way to support metrics of different granularities is to handle each granularity with an independently configured MetricsControllerTask object.

It is assumed that, since MetricsControllerTask is a placeholder, the implementation of runDataRefs will be something simple like a loop. However, it may use internal dataset caching or parallelism to speed things up if it proves necessary.

measurers : iterable of MetricTask
This attribute contains all the metric measuring objects to be called by runDataRefs. It is initialized from a RegistryField in MetricsControllerConfig.
metadataAdder: lsst.pipe.base.Task
A subtask responsible for adding Job-level metadata required by a particular client (e.g., SQuaSH). Its run method must accept a lsst.verify.Job object and return a lsst.pipe.base.Struct whose job field maps to a modified Job.

4.3   MetricRegistry

This class shall expose a single instance of lsst.pex.config.Registry. MetricsControllerConfig will depend on this class to create a valid RegistryField. It can be easily removed once MetricsControllerTask is retired.

4.3.1   Concrete Members

registry : lsst.pex.config.Registry
This registry will allow MetricsControllerConfig to handle all MetricTask classes decorated by register. It should not require a custom subclass of lsst.pex.config.Registry, but if the need arose, MetricRegistry could be easily turned into a singleton class.

4.4   register

register(name: str) : callable(MetricTask-type)

This class decorator shall register the class with MetricRegistry.registry. If MetricRegistry does not exist, it shall have no effect.

This decorator can be phased out once MetricsControllerTask is retired.


[1]E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1994.